Inspirational quotes 12 - Quote of the Day by Dheera


16 Dec 2020

Inspirational quotes 12

If you help others, If they win They will become a strength to you Has everyone forgotten such little logic, Why jealousy, selfishness, cheating... à°Žà°¦ుà°Ÿి à°µాà°³్లకు à°¹ెà°²్à°ª్ à°šేà°¸్à°¤ే, à°µాà°³్à°³ు à°—ెà°²ిà°¸్à°¤ే à°µాà°³్à°³ు à°®ీà°•ు బలం à°…à°µుà°¤ాà°°ు à°‡ంà°¤ à°šిà°¨్à°¨ à°²ాà°œిà°•్ మర్à°šి à°ªోà°¯ి à°…à°¸ూà°¯ా, à°¸్à°µాà°°్à°§ం , à°®ోà°¸ం à°Žంà°¦ుà°•ు...

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